Yates GIS



After earning a BA in Architecture from UC Berkeley and raising 4 kids, I dove into GIS for two and a half years at Shasta College in Redding, California, receiving my GIS Certificate in 2023 and making significant contributions to the field along the way.  I am currently a Town of Cary, North Carolina, Stormwater GIS Consultant with Spatial Focus, LLC, and just passed the GISP exam in June 2024. I still serve as the coordinator of the Redding Area GIS User's group, and continue to donate my GIS expertise to local social justice and education initiatives.

After getting the district set up with software access, the Sequoia Mapping Club's first project was a basic mapping activity categorizing the entire Sequoia campus by colors.  Students chose brown for buildings, grey for pavement, green for plants, orange for dirt, red for sports areas, and blue for water.  They colored individual atlas pages, and then assembled them into a complete map. Then they composed a title for the map, chose a font, and picked a quote for the map layout.  Click below to view their finished map.

The Redding School District was celebrating it's 150th Anniversary, so we created a 3D Virtual Easter Egg Hunt for the enjoyment of district families at the celebration event of April 24, 2024.  Attendees used this QR code to access the activity on their phones, try it out!
