Grow Manufacturers

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About GMI

The Grow Manufacturing Initiative was created to address a lack of skilled labor in the North State – a major barrier to industry growth. The initial project was the North State Manufacturers Directory. It serves as a connection point for businesses to build a locally-based supply chain, collaborate on innovation, and share technology. GMI has grown in scope and projects, including advocacy and outreach to educators and students. This creates a pipeline of local talent trained on the latest technology. GMI members include manufacturers, suppliers, financial institutions, training, education, business service, and private organizations.

When Manufacturing thrives, our economy thrives.

Together, we are stronger. While you do the important work of running your business, we work behind the scenes, building a local manufacturing network, connecting you with potential business opportunities, and inspiring your next generation of employees. When you join GMI, we become your conduit between manufacturers, suppliers, educators, government, and workforce professionals.

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