Shasta County Health & Human Services Agency ~ Public Health Branch

The Health and Human Services Agency offers an array of programs and services, from food assistance and employment training to counseling and immunizations. The agency’s vision is for every person to enjoy a safe, healthy and productive life.

The Public Health Branch is part of the Shasta County Health & Human Services Agency.

To learn more visit Shasta Health Rock Stars health career video webpage.

Public Health

The Public Health Branch focuses on community-wide prevention of communicable disease, chronic disease, injury, substance abuse, suicide prevention and the prevention of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE). Public Health helps the community develop systems and policies that support healthy behaviors. It promotes nutrition and physical activity, healthy aging, worksite wellness and educational attainment. Public Health also maintains an active emergency response unit, and its laboratory provides testing services for Shasta and numerous other Northern California counties. 

The Public Health Branch serves the community in 3 main areas: